Highest Price is Not Always the Highest Priority
Many M&A experts believe that the highest price may not be the most important factor in putting a deal together. Here is one such expert’s opinion of the most important factors:
- The assurance that the sale will close promptly.
- The deal terms, e.g., cash, stock, notes, all cash at closing, earnouts, contingencies, etc.
- Total price and/or consideration.
- Legal issues.
In many cases, the legal issues can make or break a deal. The expert mentioned above feels strongly that the Representations and Warranties requested by the buyer should be submitted along with the Letter of Intent. He feels that the business should not be removed from the market until there is basic agreement on the Reps and Warranties; this negotiation may be more complex than the price, especially if the buyer is not willing to bend.
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: imelenchon via morgueFile
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Alternatives for Owners of Eroding Industries
Let’s assume that you own and operate a company that manufactures a product in an industry that is eroding or going downhill. What are your choices or alternatives?
- Run the company as a “cash cow,” resigning yourself to the fact that your industry is slowly declining or is no longer a growth industry. Keep what you are doing profitable even if you
have to increase prices and/or cut costs. - Increase R&D to develop new products.
- Acquire or merge with a competitor or strategic partner.
- Expand geographically.
- Diversify within the same familiar market.
- Sell the company now before there is further erosion in your industry
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: columbia114 via morgueFile
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Over and Above the Numbers
A close review of the financial statements is always in order when considering the acquisition or merger of a company. However, that is only part of what a buyer is acquiring. Other important assets are:
- Repeat customers or clients
- Patented product, government approvals, profitable copyrights
- Broad customer or client base (diverse & growing)
- Long-term contracts
- Recognizable brand or product name
- Experienced management team and trained work force
- Valuable intellectual property
- Proprietary products
- Profitable alliances
- Contracts/non-competes with valuable employee
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Photo Credit: kolobsek via morgueFile
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What Serious Buyers Look For
Obviously, serious buyers want to carefully look at the financials of a company under consideration and all of the other major aspects of the company. However, there are a few other areas that the serious buyer will investigate that sellers may overlook.
The Industry – The buyer will want to take a serious look at the industry itself, the customers, the suppliers, the competition, etc. This investigation will cover the strengths, weaknesses, threats from competition, and opportunities of the potential acquisition. With the growth of the “big box” retailers, much power has shifted from the manufacturer to the retailer. A manufacturer may want to increase prices, but if Wal-Mart says no, it’s a very powerful no.
Discretionary Costs – Some sellers will reduce their expenses in discretionary areas such as advertising, public relations, research and development, thus making for a higher bottom line. However, these cuts will hurt the future bottom line, and smart buyers will take notice of this.
Obsolete Inventory – This is another area that buyers take a serious look at and that can impact the purchase price. No one wants to pay for inventory that is unusable, antiquated or unsalable.
Wages and Salaries – A company may be paying minimum wages, or offering few or low-cost benefits, a limited retirement program, etc. These cost-saving devices will make the bottom line look good, but employee turnover may create expensive problems later on. If the target company is to be absorbed by another, compensation issues could be critical.
Capital Expenditures – The serious buyer will take a very close look at machinery and equipment to make sure they are up to date and on a par with, or superior to, that of the competition. Replacing outdated equipment can modify projections and may affect an offering price.
Cash Flow – Serious buyers will take a long look at the cash flow statements and the areas that affect them. The buyer wants to know that the business will continue to generate positive cash flow after the acquisition (i.e.: after servicing the debt and after paying a reasonable salary to the owner or general manager).
Other areas that sellers overlook, but that the serious buyer does not are: internal controls/systems, financial agreements with lenders, governmental controls, anti-trust issues, legal matters and environmental concerns.
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: doctor_bob via morgueFile
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Selling Your Business, Taxes & Tax Structures
It is never too early to start thinking about what tax structure you should use when it comes time to sell your business. A simple, but undeniable, rule of life is that taxes matter and they can’t be overlooked. Author Tim Fries at The Tokenist has written an excellent and quite detailed overview article on what tax issues business owners need to consider before selling their business. His article, “What Tax Structure Should You Use When Selling Your Business?” explores many aspects of a topic that many business owners fail to invest enough time in, namely taxes.
As Fries astutely points out, the taxes involving the sale of a business can be complex and are usually unknown to those selling a business for the first time. Your tax structure can influence how much money you receive at the closing of your deal, so it’s a very good idea to pay attention to all aspects of taxation and your business. It is key to remember, “When you are selling your business – as far as taxes are concerned – you’re ultimately selling a collection of assets.”
Fries points out that taxes and selling a business are no small matter. It is possible that up to 50% of the sale of a business can go to taxes. Don’t worry if you are learning this for the first time and feel more than a little shocked. However, this fact does a good job of illuminating the importance of setting up the right tax structure for your business. While you might not be able to get around taxes altogether by investing the time and effort to set up the right structure for your business, you can keep from paying more taxes than is necessary.
There are a lot of variables that go into how much you will ultimately have to pay in taxes. Let’s take a look at some of the key questions Fries raises in his article.
- Is your sale considered ordinary income or is the sale considered capital gains?
- Are you operating as an LLC, a sole proprietorship, a partnership or are you operating as a corporation?
- What portion of the sale price goes to tangible assets as compared to intangible assets?
- Is there a difference between your tax basis and the proceeds from your sale?
- What does your depreciation look like?
- Don’t expect that the buyer will instantly agree to your terms.
- Realize that the decisions you make during negotiations with a buyer will have tax implications.
- Is an installment sale right for your business?
- With C corporations, sellers usually want a stock sale whereas buyers generally prefer an asset sale.
- Cashing out immediately, where you receive all your funds at once, will increase your tax liability.
- Have you considered switching to an S corporation?
- Have you consulted with experts to decide which tax structure is best for you?
- Have you consulted with a business broker?
Selling a business is obviously complicated. Finding a seasoned business broker can help you demystify many aspects of buying and selling a business. Ultimately, having the best deal structure and finding the right buyer can be a labyrinthian process. Having the very best professional help in your corner is simply a must.

Deal Structure: Thinking Outside the Box
The price gap between buyer and seller can often prevent a deal from closing. However, if the principals really want the deal to work, and their advisors really want to help, the following ideas might get the juices flowing so that all of the parties involved can think outside the box in order to make the deal work for everyone.
If the seller owns the real estate, let him or her lease it to the buyer, thus reducing the price. Another idea is to have the seller lease the premises to the buyer at a higher rent, thereby reducing the goodwill factor. The seller could also lease the machinery and equipment, again reducing the overall price.
If it is a fast-growing business with a possible big upside, let the seller share in the growth through an override or royalty over a set sales dollar amount. Or, place a fast-growing portion of the business in a separate subsidiary with the seller owning a part of it – and giving the buyer an option to buy that portion.
Let the buyer buy 70 percent, for example, of the business and the right to purchase 10 percent more each year on a set formula, thus reducing the price.
When all else fails, one good way to solve major issues between a buyers and a seller is for them to meet for dinner, just the two of them, so they can talk about how to make the deal work. We also suggest that you always consult with a professional intermediary as experienced intermediaries can offer helpful ideas and suggestions as to what could work for both the buyer and the seller.
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: imelenchon via morgueFile
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